Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Holy geez! March is here!  While it may be starting to warm up and unfreeze where you are (depending on where you are reading this) it is still cold and snow-covered here in Chevak. I've even heard that March here can be one of the worst winter months.

Regardless, I think this month will fly by. It is crazy to think that my first-year of teaching has gone so quickly and I will soon be "Back Home Again, in Indiana" with my friends and family! Here is a quick run down of my month:

5th-Anchorage for the beginning of the Iditarod race!

11th-End of the 3rd quarter

17th-St. Patrick's day (Mom and Dad's anniversary)


Okay, so maybe only the first half of the month will fly by, but before I know it it's going to be May and my first year in Chevak will be over. I'll keep you posted with pictures and writings throughout the month.

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