Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Chevak Birthday

My room all decorated

Exploring the science of static electricity

My 5th graders Skype-ing with Iditarod champs Martin Buser and Deedee Jonrowe

Martin and Deedee
Time for birthday dinner @ Matt and Becky's!

My first birthday in Chevak was awesome! The day started with me finding my room decorated with balloons and streamers courtesy of Misty Nelson! Later in the morning my class got to have a Skype meeting with my mentor Kathy Chapoton and her husband Martin Buser (who is a 4-time Iditarod Champion) Deedee Jonrowe (an Iditarod champrion in her own right) and Magnus Kaltenborn (who has just completed his first Iditarod race). During the meeting Kathy and the three mushers sang happy birthday to me, that was a really special treat! School passed by quickly because we released at 1:30, seventy minutes earlier than a regular Friday! Since school got out early I was able to catch a nice nap before getting a present from my dad. After my errands I was treated to an excellent dinner of french fries and a turkey-cheeseburger before watching a movie to finish out the night! I had an awesome birthday in Chevak and look forward to many, many more!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Love that you were able to Skype with the mushers... freakin' awesome!
