Saturday, March 26, 2011

Its all about the people

A shot of the crowd
As I write, I stand out like a sore thumb. I am writing from my school's gym where there has been a tournament going on over the weekend. I stand out because I am one of the few (if not the only) kasaq (white person) in the gym. I stand out; I feel right at home. Over the course of the tournament I have had the chance to get closer (and laugh A LOT) with friends, and meet so many other more people. To me, that is what it is all about. My teaching skills will only get me so far; the thing that will enable me to impact my students is the relationships that I am building. Several of my students are here watching basketball, and they have all seen me. They know that I am not the teacher who is here to just be a teacher; I am here for the people and experiences. To me, that is what bush Alaska is all about: people and experiences. As the tournament is wrapping up I cannot help but smile when I think of how many more of these I will get to experience, and the people I will get to know and develop relationships with! I am excited to go home and relax for the summer; I might be even more excited for August to get here!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Chevak Birthday

My room all decorated

Exploring the science of static electricity

My 5th graders Skype-ing with Iditarod champs Martin Buser and Deedee Jonrowe

Martin and Deedee
Time for birthday dinner @ Matt and Becky's!

My first birthday in Chevak was awesome! The day started with me finding my room decorated with balloons and streamers courtesy of Misty Nelson! Later in the morning my class got to have a Skype meeting with my mentor Kathy Chapoton and her husband Martin Buser (who is a 4-time Iditarod Champion) Deedee Jonrowe (an Iditarod champrion in her own right) and Magnus Kaltenborn (who has just completed his first Iditarod race). During the meeting Kathy and the three mushers sang happy birthday to me, that was a really special treat! School passed by quickly because we released at 1:30, seventy minutes earlier than a regular Friday! Since school got out early I was able to catch a nice nap before getting a present from my dad. After my errands I was treated to an excellent dinner of french fries and a turkey-cheeseburger before watching a movie to finish out the night! I had an awesome birthday in Chevak and look forward to many, many more!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Northern Lights

On my walk home after an interesting (and frustrating) night, I finally saw the aurora; clear, bright, and stunning!

After a unique series of events, I got to thinking about my future in Chevak. I love it here and plan on being here again next year. But living in rural Alaska is difficult and sometimes after a night like tonight the future needs to be contemplated. I have said that I would like to stay 7 years, to see my first class graduate; but it feels like being in a time capsule, the world goes on changing but Chevak remains the same. Do I want to be single for 7 more years? Do I want to live in just-OK apartments (possibly with a roommate) for 7 more years? Do I want to be far, far away from my family and a lot of friends for 7 more years? Maybe I'm just a little bummed from a disappointing and frustrating night, but I think these are all important questions (and a lot more could be asked). Today is Ash Wednesday so all I can do is pray that things will work out for the best and that answers will be shown to me.

"Everything will be OK in the end. If everything is not OK, it is not the end."
How true indeed!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Holy geez! March is here!  While it may be starting to warm up and unfreeze where you are (depending on where you are reading this) it is still cold and snow-covered here in Chevak. I've even heard that March here can be one of the worst winter months.

Regardless, I think this month will fly by. It is crazy to think that my first-year of teaching has gone so quickly and I will soon be "Back Home Again, in Indiana" with my friends and family! Here is a quick run down of my month:

5th-Anchorage for the beginning of the Iditarod race!

11th-End of the 3rd quarter

17th-St. Patrick's day (Mom and Dad's anniversary)


Okay, so maybe only the first half of the month will fly by, but before I know it it's going to be May and my first year in Chevak will be over. I'll keep you posted with pictures and writings throughout the month.