Monday, February 14, 2011


Valentine's Day huh?

Valentine's Day in bush Alaska, a very different experience. School today was just like any other normal day, some students were aware of the day but there was not the traditional aura surrounding the day like you would encounter in the lower 48. Very few kids brought Valentines for their classmates, few brought candy either. I did what I could with what I have to make the day special (Special thanks to my mentor, Kathy Chapton) I gave my students some love with candy and computer free-choice time (their favorite!)

Valentine's brings up thoughts of those you love and I want to share some of that love tonight!

Mom-I love you more than you can imagine, mom! I mean, what can I say to the woman who has given me everything I have [you know, the charming looks;-) ] I thought of mom today and how during every other V-Day of my adult life I would look forward to a card and a phone call. No card came this year; no phone call. It was bittersweet, nevertheless I will never forget the love my mother had for me, dad, and Ruth; today I remember that love and I smile. Love you mom!

My family-What else could I say about you that hasn't been said? You all are so special to me! I may be thousands of miles away, I may not call or write enough, but you are always in my thoughts; I hope you all feel loved as I feel loved!

Extended family-To all of the ladies who have "adopted" me as a son, I am eternally grateful. The love and support you provide me are invaluable to my life's journey and I am so glad to have you all! I'm sending you my love today!

Friends-To all my friends back in Indiana...I love you. I can say similar things to you about not calling or writing often enough, and I can also say that I love you. You all have changed and shaped my life so much, I don't know if I would have been able to move so far away from you if I didn't know how strong our friendships are and that we can reunite just like old times when I return! Much love!

Chevak family/friends-WOW! Been here almost six months and I can't describe the level of joy I have here. Just as I wouldn't be able to survive with awesome family and friends in the lower 48, I also couldn't survive without the new relationships I've built here. Its so nice getting a simple message, "I'm glad u r here" and it makes me so much more confident that I'm exactly where I should be! You guys are awesome! Love you!

I've told you all I'm thankful for and who I'm sending love to today. Who do you love? Even if you don't have a significant other to share the special day with, there are still those who love and are loved. On Valentine's Day take the time to tell those you love how you feel.

"All you need is love!"

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