Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm Back (In the VAK)

So after a whole summer of relaxing (and not blogging) the school year has restarted, and things are just about fully settled down. So, time to start writing again!

This year I am teaching 3rd grade math and science. I am LOVING it! My students come in groups, AM and PM, and there are just 11 students in each group (How's that for an awesome student:teacher ratio?!?!) I really feel, so far, that I have been able to be a more effective teacher this year; it is so rewarding to see students being successful! I had a huge joy the other day hearing one student say, "Mr. Hutchinson, are we getting smarter?" Of course they are!

Winter has hit here in Chevak! Last night (Nov 2) our first blizzard moved in, it lasted about 24 hours and has since moved on. Last weekend I fired up my snowmachine and pulled it out of storage! I have been driving around here and there, we need a little more snow and some consecutive days of well-below-freezing temperatures to really make driving around more fun (For example, I got my ride seriously stuck in feet-high snow drifts 5 or so times today)

Finally, I am thrilled to be blogging from my new MacBook Air! :) I had been thinking about getting a new computer, so it was a huge blessing when the school wrangled up a DEEPLY-discounted deal! This is an amazing computer! If you have seen one (in-person or in pictures) then you have an idea of what I am talking about. However, until you actually have one of these machines in your hands you cannot understand the beauty. The computer is so thin and light-weight (especially compared to my old computer; see picture) that I sometimes forget that it is sitting on my lap!

I know, nothing too interesting this time. But hey, at least its something. You just heard me fawning over my new computer, hopefully it will inspire me to blog more! Stay tuned!

Old Meets New

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