Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Much Needed Update

I've been slacking on my blog, here is a general overview of April/early May...

Testing, Testing 1..2..3...
The beginning of April brought state standardized testing, always a hotly-debated subject in the education field. Without being able to see the test prior to test day (to deter "teaching to the test") I was nervous if my students would be prepared for the rigors. From what I saw and remember, and thinking back on what I taught, my kiddos should have been able to have success! I'm not sure when results will be back, so in the mean time I'll just be happy that standardized testing is done for the year!

Heritage of a Culture...
The week following testing was Cultural Heritage week. As I'm writing I don't have any pictures to post; either I'm really bad about having my camera or taking pictures, or they are on my other computer (probably both). The highlights of the week were two day-trips, one took my class towards the Bering Sea to go fishing, the other took us a couple miles south of town to go sliding (basically sledding without a sled). The other days were filled with mostly indoor activities such as NYO (Native Youth Olympics), beading, art, and listening to elders. Definitely a fun week to have to celebrate testing being done!

The End is Near...
After Heritage week there were only 5 weeks of school remaining! The week after Heritage week was highlighted by a visit from US Senator Lisa Murkowski (Not to mention Monday and Tuesday were vacation days!!!)!! I spent the last half of April cruising around on my new snowmobile, part of me can't wait for next winter so I can do even more riding. The end of April came faster than anyone could have expected, now the snow is (finally) melting and the lake is thawing! Its officially seal hunting season and seals are showing up all over town. I had the opportunity to try raw seal liver; i tried it plain as well as soaked in seal oil. Both were yummy! Now it is May and we are no longer counting down weeks; we are counting down days! Easter weekend was fantastic and I felt lucky to eat and spend the day with some very good friends! To friends and family in Indiana and Michigan: I'll be home soon, until then I'm gonna keep lovin' Chevak!

Senator Murkowski greeting one of my students in the hallway
Photo Courtesy of Kelly Stutheit
Seal Courtesy of Mother Nature
Dead Seal Courtesy of Ulric Ulroan  

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